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Admissions Application

Max. file size: 5 MB.


MM slash DD slash YYYY

Student Information

Current Status of Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Divorced (if divorced, please indicate which parent has legal custody of child:

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian 1:

Relation to student:
Home Street Address:

Parent/Guardian 2:

Relation to student:
Home Street Address:

Persons in Household

Relation to student:
Relation to student:
Relation to student:
Relation to student:

Developmental and Medical History

(If your child was adopted, please include as much developmental history as is known to you on a separate sheet.)
Was your child full term?
Describe your child as an infant(Check all that apply):
Is your child on medication?
Has your child had any surgical or medical procedures, i.e. adenoids or tonsils removed?

Intervention History

Has your child been evaluated/diagnosed?

I give representatives of AaronSchool permission to speak to the professionals named above regarding my child’s learning styles and progress.

MM slash DD slash YYYY

School History (Please list all schools attended)

Did your child repeat a grade?

Social and Emotional Development

Does your child have difficulty with transitions from one activity to another?
Does your child have frequent tantrums?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this application