Bullying Prevention Month at Aaron School
Jillian Greenstein, School Psychologist at 30th Street
National Bullying Prevention Month is celebrated annually in the United States during the month of October. This campaign unites communities nationwide in an effort to prevent bullying by promoting kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. This year, high school students at Aaron School came together to learn more about bullying in order to create a school environment that is safe for all.
In Forums and other Related Services classes, students learned about the different types of bullying (i.e., verbal, physical, cyber, relational/social), what it means to be a bystander (i.e., someone who is present but does not participate), and the importance of being an upstander (i.e., someone who intervenes on behalf of someone else). Students participated in educational lessons where they enhanced their understanding of these concepts and then tested their knowledge through engaging quiz games. It was wonderful to see how invested our students were in these lessons! Throughout each class, they were willing to share their understanding of these topics and brainstorm strategies and resources that other students could use if they were to encounter bullying in the future.
Students also participated in a school-wide Unity Day activity on October 19th, which encouraged students to unite against bullying. All Aaron School Falcons wore orange clothes or accessories to show that our school community stands together against bullying and welcomes all in our halls. We loved seeing our students support one another and promote kindness!
Our Aaron School Falcons have SOARed through another successful Bullying Prevention Month!