Fifth Grade Colonial Day
This year, fifth graders spent the month of February studying colonial times in America! Students first learned about the settlements in America like Jamestown and Plymouth Rock. They became familiar with The Virginia Company and important figures such as John Smith and John Rolfe. A central part of their study was the daily life of the settlers. Students discovered the clothing people wore, the types of food people ate, and the different kinds of homes settlers built. Another part of their study was the roles of men, women, and children. To complete their study of this time period, students researched a specific occupation of their choice in depth. Students examined the roles of blacksmiths, schoolmasters, silversmiths, tailors, wigmakers, merchants, glassblowers, printers, and more! To complete the unit, students had the opportunity to submerge themselves into the lives of the colonists on Colonial Day!
Colonial Day took place on Tuesday, February 13, for the entire fifth grade! To bring the students’ research projects to life, and to truly immerse themselves in colonial culture, a full morning was planned complete with crafts and activities that children would partake in during this time. Students were asked to dress up and bring in props that represented their own personal occupation.
The morning of the 13th started with students being paired off to interview each other on their occupations. They asked questions such as, “Why is your job important?” “What tools and materials do you use in your occupation?” “Who participates in this occupation?” “Why did you choose this job to study?”
Classes were arranged into three different groups that would “travel” to different colonies. Students participated in baking with “Plymouth Crock,” where they made their own butter and cornbread, just like colonial settlers ate! Once they had their bread in the oven, and their butter was churned, students would find themselves in the “Virginia Threading Company,” making their own quilt squares! Each student was given a square, and the teachers in Cedar and Birch put them together to make a fifth grade unity quilt! To cap off the morning, students would lastly find themselves in “Man-colony,” where they would play a colonial classic, the game Mancala, to relaxing colonial music!
The fifth grade worked so hard and had such a great time immersing themselves into the daily life of colonists, making it a truly memorable experience!