October Smash Week
From October 22-October 26, Aaron School 30th Street students participated in the first October Smash Week. To help kick-off the fall festivities, on Monday the students all came together in the gym to decorate foam pumpkins to hang on their lockers. The students relaxed and joked with their friends as they used their artistic talents to create some spooky and spirited pumpkin faces.
On Tuesday, the Aaron School student council sold “Ghoul-pops” at lunch. In the weeks leading up to October Smash Week, student council members wrapped and decorated the Ghoul-pops, then took turns selling Ghoul-pops in the lunch room. They were a big hit!
On Thursday, Aaron School hosted Movie Night, which screened Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. The stairwells and gym were lined with Harry Potter decorations. During the movie the students enjoyed popcorn, candy, and snacks while being engrossed in the magical world of Harry Potter.
Friday was the day that all of the students waited for. The Smash Ball Tournament! On Friday afternoon, the whole school met in the gym to play gaga. Each grade competed against themselves until the last two students remained. The last two students from each grade then entered the pit and battled it out to determine the school champion. The crowd cheered wildly for their grade as each player fought hard to stay in the game. Bobbing and weaving, jumping and blocking could only save a few from getting out. At last, the 8th grade took the tournament! Congratulations were given to the winning grade, and all players shook hands, as it was a very good game. The students in grades 9-12 all look forward to a rematch in the spring.
Overall, October Smash Week was a big hit and a great way to kick off the fall season.