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Women’s History Month

  |   30th street, Aaron School, Special Programs

Gregory Wilker, Humanities Chair / Head Teacher at 30th Street


For the third year in a row the Aaron High School celebrated Women’s History Month throughout the month of March. To celebrate Women’s History Month, every Thursday students and staff wore purple, the symbol of the women’s movement. On March 8th, International Women’s Day, students learned about the origins of the holiday and then wrote down a message about a woman they admire. Students wrote about women in their family, famous women, and influential people in history, science and the arts. Students gave praise to their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, teachers, and many others. Some examples of famous people included Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Susan B. Anthony, Taylor Swift, and Greta Thumberg!


During history class each Friday throughout the month of March, students learned about feminism and famous women. Students learned all about Oprah Winfrey, Maya Lin, and Ellen Swallow Richards. Those of you who do not know, Ellen Swallow Richards was a famous scientist who attended Vassar and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the 1870’s. She was truly a pioneer in her field. Swallows opened up the first Women’s laboratory at MIT and was the only female staff member in the chemistry department. In addition, students also learned about Maya Lin in art class, read poems by female authors, such as Maya Angelou and Flannery O’connor in English class, and learned about famous female scientists, such as Marie Daly, in science classes.


We look forward to celebrating Women’s History Month at Aaron next year!