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Middle School Quilt Project

  |   Aaron School, Middle School, Special Programs

Jennifer Flajser, Art Teacher at 45th St

This winter, the entire Middle School participated in a collaborative quilt making project. Students learned about the history of quilting and explored images of intricate quilt patterns. We discussed how quilt making can serve as a reminder that we are important as individuals and also important as members of a group. To further support this concept, students were given an opportunity to reflect on qualities which they share among their classmates, as well as aspects of themselves that make them unique individuals. We then brainstormed ways we can express our unique qualities in a visual format. After planning and sketching prototypes for their projects, each student used multicolored felt pieces to assemble a quilt square. The one thing students needed to keep in mind was that their quilt square must represent each student’s individual uniqueness.


As the middle school students completed their squares, they assembled their work along with their classmates’ in the center of the art room, watching the quilt grow larger and larger. At the end of every class, students had the opportunity to reflect on the work as a whole, sharing what they appreciated about their classmates’ contributions. Culture, nationality, and personal interests were some themes observed in the collaborative quilt. The finished piece provided further opportunity for students to draw connections with one another, as more commonalities were discovered among their work. The Middle School quilt can be seen at the top of the staircase on the second floor of the Aaron School!